What was that?
We are still speechless and trying to sort out our thoughts. The Sukabumi Eundeur was out of this world. We have rarely seen so much love, but at the same time brutality in front of the stage.
We want to thank our Indonesian fans from the bottom of our hearts for supporting Stillbirth so hard. It means the world to us and we love each and every one of you. You guys are just amazing. The rest of the world has a lot to learn from you.
A special thanks goes to
– @lordpaj and his team that accompanied us all the days and read every wish from our lips. We have become brothers in a few days.
– Eggi Wiguna and the bros from VISCRAL for your help with the organization and realization of this adventure and of course for e
Eggis guest appearance at b
Beating Pacifists.
– Stevi Item from Deadsquad for his organizational help with the departure and the beautiful surfboards we have only thanks to this legendary brother
– Alvin Eka Putra for his time in picking us up and the first night. We love you bro
– @paraditma_ and Magnum for making the festival happen and for their outstanding support. Aditya is one of the best guys and became part of the stillbirth family in no time.
– @adigidauw for accompanying and filming this adventure. You had to go through a lot bro, but you persevered like a pro. No one can take this awesome time away from us.
– Auryn Kahkashan from @invicta.ina for their support and guest appearance at Rising from the Ashes.
– Man Jasad and the Jasadblasting guys for their help backstage. You guys are the best.
– @jafar for doing our sound on this amazing evening.
– @bakara.sukabumi, @foodiesplace.id , Mokodo, Anugrah Hotel , @kukiracafe , Bakmie Sejawat and all the others who welcomed us warmly and provided us with the finest Indonesian food.
We will be back and then we will make indonesia eundeurkeun again.
We love you guys!
Pics by Muhammad Alif Setiadi